International shipping between London and Spain
How it works?
Answer a few questions about your shipping and we’ll send you a customised quote.
Choose the most convenient day and time. No matter how big or small your shipping is, we will take care of it.
Our shippers will load items onto a car or plane, transport, and offload them. We’ll bring all the supplies needed and get the job done so you won’t have to.
Flexible and secure
We collect and deliver your goods directly to your house
Renting storage space can be more cost-effective than purchasing or leasing additional commercial space.
We are open to any special requirements you may have.
Our professional team can help you with packing and unpacking your staff. Furniture Assemble and Disassemble
We can ship between UK and these countries
Still Have Questions?
What countries does Stackt offer international shipping services from?
What items can I ship with Stackt?
Are there any customs documents or forms to be filled out prior to moving?
How do I get a quote for my move?
What is the estimated transit time for shipping?
Do you offer packing and unpacking services?
Can I track my shipment?
What happens if my items are damaged during the move?
Do you offer international shipping services to the Spain?